Now more than ever, it’s important to support local and small businesses especially after the BlackFriday sales, where multinational retailers dominate the market. That is why #SmallBusinessSaturday was born. This movement is needed even more due to the COVID-19 pandemic, where small businesses have been gravely affected.
As the World Fair Trade Organization states: “Overconsumption has always been associated with Black Friday which bears a deeper danger than most realize. Consuming clothes and products that inevitably end up in landfills sadly much sooner than later, not only adds to the climate crises but also fuels profit-primacy business models that exploit supply chains for their own gain. They popularise cheap products that can destroy the lives of the people that make them and the planet that we all share.”
The reality is, during Black Friday, consumers usually shop because they are enticed by big companies to buy in bulk. They purchase things they probably didn’t need or want in the first place. It’s important for us to change our mindset. If we really want to make a purchase during this day, may it be because we’ve been wanting that item for a long time! Make sure we know we are going to use it.
¿How can you help?
Take this time to discover new businesses online or in your town, and for example, instead of purchasing your Christmas presents from large companies, buy them from those small businesses. This way, you will not only be helping by buying a product of theirs, but you will be introducing new brands to your family and friends so they can support them too! You can also support handmade artisans local to you.
“By supporting the work of genuine heritage crafts and the people who make them, consumers can help to reduce poverty, empower women and families, and ever reduce climate change.”
-Sarah Ditty @fash_rev.
Local Brands
I’m now going to share some brands and stores that are local to me, and I would love it if you could share some too in the comments or on our Instagram @bymayaz.
Bukit & Soul
Lantana Shop
Eco Blog
ROWSE Beauty
Fashion Revolution, Instagram: @fash_rev (Posted on Saturday, 28th of November 2020)
World Fair Trade Organization, Instagram: @wfto_fairtrade (Posted on Friday, 27th of November 2020)