I bring you the easiest, fastest, yummiest way to make a cheesecake. Serves 3-4, takes 15 minutes to prepare and 1 hour or more of fridge time. I’ll get straight to the point:


  • 250 g of Philadelphia cheese 🧀
  • Half a medium-sized lemon 🍋
  • Half a cup of sugar
  • 1 tsp of vanilla extract
  • 1 tsp of butter
  • 8 Digestive biscuits 🍪
  • 10 hazelnuts
  • Raspberry and blueberry jam
  • Berries

Making the cheesecake

  • Step 1: Place the Philadelphia cheese into a large bowl, and add half a lemon’s worth of juice and the vanilla extract. Stir everything together until it’s smooth.
  • Step 2: Add the sugar to the mix and continue mixing it together. Make sure there’s a balance between the sugar and the lemon, if it’s too sour add more sugar in or vice-versa.
  • Step 3: Crush the biscuits and hazelnuts and add the butter. Mix it together and place it at the bottom of each glass, then add the cream mixture to the top.
  • Step 4: Mix the raspberry and blueberry jam together. This is up to personal preference, you can also add strawberry jam instead of the berry jams. Add this on top of the cream with the berries.
  • Final step: Last but not least, put it in the fridge! Let it cool down for about an hour or longer.

I am not kidding when I say this is a yummy cheesecake. Cheesecake is my favorite type of cake, and believe me when I say, I try it in every restaurant that I’ve gone to, so I saw this type of cake in a place in my town and I had to try and recreate it, so I hope you try it and enjoy it! If you do and have any other tips you would like to add, comment below!

